Iraq (Kurdistan)


22. September 2012 – 05. October 2012 692 Km

I spend two weeks in Irak, but only in the Autonome Province of Kurdistan. This area is safe for traveling, but not so good for cycling. The traffic is dangerous, a lot of trucks, bad roads, dust, and in end of September it was still very hot, up to 45 degrees.
But what makes it joyful are the people. Everyone is curious about me and my bicycle. When I stop, it takes a few seconds, and I´m surrounded by a lot of people asking me questions. I get invited for tea, food, and when I want to buy small things like water or ice-cream, I don´t have to pay for it. Also it is easy to find a place to sleep, a lot of people invites me to their home, where I get food and can experience the hospitality of the warmhearted Kurdish people.

Article (for now only in german):
Irak (Autonome Provinz Kurdistan)


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